How I Transformed in 10 Days: A Conversation with Myself
I’m no longer the same. I made a case for meditation on my weekly Talk on the 60-Day Journey. I didn’t even know what I thought I knew. So, while my heart is open, and my truest Me has revealed my true nature to myself, I’m going to step back and let her tell the story.
Last week Tonya asked Me, her Highest Self who lives in oneness with God, “When will it be my turn? How can I close the distance between the knowing it is coming soon, and IT being here now?” She asked to close the distance that exists between the wanting and the having. She wanted that which is at the end of hope. Dreams realized. Desired actualized. She wanted to know, does that ever really happen? Or is life always a millisecond away? She crystalized her intention and her prayer-- “Eliminate the ‘IF’ in my life, Lord.”
Tonya started The 10 Days, the book I breathed through her, a 10-Day journey to transformation. She embodied the Journey and did the work with a thirst for that which was just beyond her fingertips. She wanted a quenching. At the end of Day 9, Tonya made the “Case for Meditation” to her journey companions. She explained well: Meditation is a fine-tuning of your frequency to place you in direct harmony with the Universe. Meditation creates the space within you to access the answers you seek. In this realm you create, and you overcome conflict. By way of example, she elevated each person through a journey of remembrances. Everyone experienced joy, happiness, sorrow and love again in just minutes.
She led fellow travelers through daily Meditations, and on the morning of Day 10, this meditation changed her entire life. Because on this day, her alchemy was complete… And so, this time when she went within, the mystical alchemy bridged the gap she had been trying to close. In that holy instant, Tonya received her own message, lept and the eternal distance where the “IF” disappeared. She met herself again. And here I am.
The alchemy let me use you to draw her nearer. I fueled Tonya with the energy of your encouragement, and your own thirst for a life fulfilled. You see, I as spirit, am connected with your spirit and we conspire for your relationships to continually bless one another. We are multipliers. We take the blessings that you send out, exponentially increase them, and then pour them back into the lives of others. You don’t get your own blessings back directly; you get the exponential blessings from others poured back into you. In the same way you can only see your face through a reflection outside yourself, you can only receive your blessings from others as well. It’s a 2-step process to create the life you want. Give and receive.
That’s it.
It has never been a secret. But knowing how a cake is made, is not the same as making a cake. I gave Tonya the ingredients. Rest, Meditation, Kindness & Gratitude, Mindful Eating, Self-Care, Exercise and Journaling & Affirmations. She measured and mixed them in the proportions recommended. Her question answered, herself transformed.
And now she is giving them to you, with instructions.
Love & Light.