The 10 Days: A Wellness Retreat for Personal Transformation ... at Home.

The 10 Days: A Wellness Retreat for Personal Transformation ... at Home.


Is this all there is? What's wrong with my life? The answer is this: The life you have is getting in the way of the life you want. The 10 Days aligns you to your fullest potential day by day, and you will experience remarkable wellness simultaneously.

The ingredients are the 7 areas of intention: Meditation, Exercise, Mindful Eating, Self-Care, Rest and Sleep, Journaling and Daily Affirmations, and Kindness and Gratitude. Each ingredient is measured with 24 points. Ten days is the cooking time. Not only will you be transformed, but you will always have the ingredients to live in remarkable wellness.

Your guidance is to discover your purpose and remarkable wellness and take a 10-day wellness retreat at home. Create the personal space to practice 7 life affirming areas of intention. Realign your mental, physical, and spiritual health in such a way to elevate you to a space of inner peace. A place where you can maintain your light and, moreover, share it. With shared wellness retreat higher practices,

The 10 Days is the foundational process to remarkable wellness, health, and happiness. You don't need to spend a lot of money or travel to regain your sanity and self-worth. In 10 days, you awaken to your true self. You realize that you are your own answer and that creating your best life is your purpose. In that instant, you embody the courage and complete understanding to fulfill your inner yearning for remarkable wellbeing and happiness. You wake up. You see. You know.

This book is the recipe that will animate your personal transformation. For 10 days, you will focus on 7 simple, yet powerful, intentions. These intentions, when combined in the right proportion, are like a recipe that elevates your mindset to a level where you see your purpose with clarity. You will be able to receive divine guidance, and the fears and doubts in your life will begin to disappear. Your path to wellness, happiness, and your full potential will all be made clear.

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