A Year of (ME) Mindful Eating to Improve Wellbeing
A Year of (ME) Mindful Eating to Improve Wellbeing
When it comes to our weight and being healthy, we tend to focus on our image. That is where most people get it wrong. Your weight starts in you mind and then manifests itself in your body. In the journey of achieving a healthy body, you train your mind first. The mind and body acts as one. Just like you and your significant other, or sports team. Individuals have different roles, but the team is One.
Your mind is the Quarterback, the Point Guard, the Helmsman, the Pitcher. Your body is the team that wins the Championship. Making this foundation shift in perception will change your approach and help you achieve the victory over mindless eating, and guide you on the path of wellbeing and happiness. The number on the scale is not the proper measurement. Your mind's ability to focus on the positive, make healthy choices, and let go of thoughts that do not serve your true nature is the most relevant measurement. Beginning today, use these affirmations to focus on your thoughts and desires to achieve wellness and happiness.