Why do Companies Need a Chief Spiritual Officer?
I am an Employee Experience Officer, Culture Curator, Director of Transformation, but my preferred term is Chief Spiritual Officer. You may not have heard of these terms because only cutting edge companies have added these roles or religious affinity groups to their Leadership & organizational development like Google, Intel, Target & Tyson Foods to name a few. These companies encourage faith-based inclusion in the workplace mainly through Employee Resource Groups. I applaud these companies that recognize there is infinitely more opportunity to create happy environments, and exponentially increase productivity by incorporating the power of Spirituality into each moment of our lives. What can be more satisfying than bringing your whole self to every situation including work?
Spiritual or Religious
In America, roughly 80% of the population identifies as religious. Religions are in decline as large populations are disenchanted with the institutions. A recent PEW study revealed that a big factor is “(of) the emerging millennial generation, 35% claim no religious affiliation.” Whatever the identification, I know this to be true: essentially 100% of people on the earth want happiness, joy, and inner peace. You likely recognize these virtues as attributes of the spirit, and conversely, the same PEW study also indicates the number who identify as Spiritual is rapidly rising.If individually we are all searching for the same thing, why are the languages of spirituality and inner peace verboten in Corporate settings? One word—Fear, the barrier to corporate success. It is the epitome of "group-think." This is when an individual knows what is right, but in a group setting is afraid to introduce innovation, speak the truth, or lead the way. Companies tell their employees to fail fast, be bold, see around corners, and drive innovation, yet do not assist employees with the most efficacious way in HOW to do this. Employee training focuses on mind expertise and body health insurance, omitting the most important ingredient for success—spiritual purpose. True alignment of mind, body, AND spirit is the true key to success. A two-legged stool cannot stand. Living out one’s mission or purpose is a Spiritual endeavor at its core. Therefore, cultivating a network of individual spiritual beliefs connected by the virtues of compassion, is in its very nature collaborative and extremely powerful. Here is the fact: The only way to activate courage, hope, and fearlessness towards any aim is through the Spirit. There is no other way.
Employer Benefits: The Business Case for Spirituality in the Workplace
Environments where people can bring their whole selves to work increases productivity. The most enlightened companies include a C-Suite level position to ensure its dedication. These companies know what many will learn in time, that inspiration, creativity, and compassion are the true arbiters of success. This is the game-changer. Discover for yourself how happy and satisfied (purposeful) employees drive successful corporations. Six studies from Glassdoor reveal that Employees who are more satisfiedclearly drive better financial performance for companies. All of the studies send a clear message that investing in an engaged and inspired workforce can also be a solid financial investment for business leaders.
For each 1-star increase in a company’s overall rating on Glassdoor, they found a 7.9% average jump in the market value of a company.
Employees who have a more empowered and satisfying relationship with their employers are “more motivated to perform.”
There is a “statistically significant relationship” between employee satisfaction and a firm’s quarterly financial improvements.
Companies with high employee satisfaction on Glassdoor significantly outperformed the overall stock market, earning 1.35% extra returns above the market.
“Employees should not be considered expendable commodities … but rather key organizational assets who can contribute significantly to firm value through innovation and customer relationships.”
The Business Case Lesson: Satisfied employees clearly drive better financial performance for companies. Corporate success is directly linked to employee satisfaction.
Employee Benefits: Happiness
A sense of purpose and living a life that reflects one’s entire values is what sets happy people apart from the rest. The Six Habits of Happy People are daily practices that are indeed hampered by a corporate ethos that promotes competitiveness and long work hours over quality hours that allow for spiritual recovery. All peak performance comes from adequate recovery, just like an athlete rebuilds torn muscles with rest and improves day by day. When employees incorporate this truth into their norms, performance skyrockets. The modern corporate work ethos depresses spiritual growth and yes, happiness. This conventional wisdom is not really wisdom at all. Happier employees are more productive and collaborative. A summary of the benefits is below from a review by Recruiters.com.
Happy employees are more productive. A study from the University of Warwick found that happiness results in a 12% spike in employee productivity.
Happy employees are more creative able to arrive at innovative solutions.
Happy employees are more collaborative and more comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions.
Happy employees are more loyal which means less time and money spent on hiring and training.
How to Cultivate Employee Happiness
Ever heard, “happy wife, happy life?” Well here is the corporate corollary: happy employees, happy earnings! Innovative companies can intensify employee satisfaction quickly by naming a Chief Spiritual Officer (CSO) to enable workplace programs and management practices that help employees feel more confident, more capable, and happier in their roles. This is a cultural paradigm shift yet it's not about restructuring the corporation. This C-Suite role is not within the Human Resources functionality that traditionally focusing on labor laws and benefit management. The CSO is in tune with and focuses on the conditions of the heart of the people within the corporation. The objective is a quantum mindset shift that encourages employees to focus on wisdom and wellness practices that elevate happiness, joy, and fulfillment in every aspect of their lives. If the word Spirituality is still a frightening title for your Leadership, perhaps Chief Culture Curator or Employee Experience Officer might ease the tension. Remember however, the boldness of the title reflects the commitment to change, and the willingness to lean into the discomfort that comes with courage. This accelerant will ignite success and widen the distance between industry leaders and followers. As we see from all the data, corporate outcomes improve with employee happiness. Moreover, corporations create enduring change, making the world a better place one happy employee at a time. Love & Light,TKTonya Kinlow is a Chief Spiritual Officer cultivating positive workplace environments though through mind, body, and spiritual alignment. The Inevitable Outcome: By providing the space for one’s fullest potential to emerge, happy employees innovate and corporate profitability escalates. To engage TKI Remarkable Wellness as your CSO, Culture Curator, or Employee Experience Officer click this link for our corporate wellness programs and click here to see TK's resume.