The Secret Ingredient to Being Courageous

~Updated Repost~

I’ve had a remarkable month.  Each time I got an intuitive hit, a word from God, or had an aha moment, whatever you call it, I took action.  I’ve been faithfully executing with each sign and instruction given.  It's been nuts!  Every day I’ve been excited for no good reason.  Like something is about to happen.  I have great expectations. Let me tell you why this is so amazing and how you can feel this amazing too…  It’s called courage.

In 1 week, 3 people delivered practically the same message to me that had come to them through their own spiritual guidance.  I adore synchronicities.  I believe coincidences and convergent themes are the intentional languages of the universe. The messages have been two-fold.  And because the Universe is kind, no true gift can be used alone.  All gifts are meant to be shared if they are True.

First, I was told that the only way to really help people was to share my own story with transparency and vulnerability.  And so I blogged about my secrets of shame, divorce, disabilities, etc.  To my amazement, it became my best-performing blog of all times, inspiring others just as I prophesized.  I did what the Universe told me and blessed other people, and now I'm in a loop that is spiraling upwards, not downwards.  It's called flow. Now you need to know that flow is easier than no-flow, but it still takes courage.  And courage is hard.

Second, my word of intention for the week was Abundance.  While I was confronting my past, and exposing my scars to all of humanity, I was not feeling abundant. But I can tell you that in the aftermath, a weight has been lifted, I can put my feet up, and breathe!  I heard that this was how life worked,  something about the meek inheriting the earth and whatnot, but I didn’t have the courage to be vulnerable.  To receive joy and abundance you have to have the courage to be vulnerable.  That’s it.  There’s no shortcut.

And so, I was reminded of a TedTalk by Brene Brown on Vulnerability.  It went viral 9 years ago, and as of this writing, it's been viewed 39.5 million times.   I shared the link on Sunday morning, and on Monday morning, I see Netflix has released a new special by you guessed it, Brene Brown!  I fell out of my seat.  There are no coincidences people.  The universe practically commanded me to watch the Brene Special.  And yes, you should watch it too.

There is no courage without vulnerability.  Courage is by definition taking action in the face of risk and uncertainty. And that is vulnerability.  And to come full circle, once you use your courage to be vulnerable, you drop the weight of the world that is holding you back from remarkable health and wellness, and you open yourself up to your abundant life.  Whew!  It’s taken me a lifetime to be able to articulate that in a sentence.  Brene explains it pretty well also. :)

April 6th is the launch of a 60-Day Wellness Journey where we will experience a wellness transformation through a mindful focus on 7 intentions.  It's going to be extraordinary.  I've had one Discovery call, and there is an incredibly supportive energy present.  It is not too late, but registration closes on Sunday.  I will personally walk you through this process. Join us and exercise those courage muscles to experience your breakthrough. What do you have to lose? Register here.  Now.

If you are not ready this second but want to get on the waitlist for future Journeys email me at and we’ll hold your spot.

Love, Light & Courage,
