What is UGottaEat?
UGottaEat is an App…
This is not one of those other apps where you get fast food delivered to your door. UGottaEat (UGE) makes eating a home cooked meal more convenient than ever. UGE gives you access to professionally made meals that use fresh ingredients and spices while also catering to your dietary needs!
Search Meals From Local Chefs
Search through meals posted by chefs in your local area that are available for pick-up or delivery. However that’s just the tip of the iceberg, the UGE network also includes food trucks, farmers markets, food banks, and more; you can even post meals for just your friends to see and share within your own network!
Order in seconds!
Order immediately or place an order for a later date. Have dietary restrictions? Food allergies? Just picky? Message the chef before you order and get your dish specially prepared, so you never feel left out at the dinner table!